Sunday 26 May 2013

Home Remedy:Yeast Infection

If you are looking for a home remedy for yeast infection you should first be aware of what causes a yeast infection, then you will be more successful in treating it and preventing recurring infections.

The body is covered in microbes which are also present naturally in the gastrointestinal tract, where it is essential to keep your system 'moving' and healthy. For the most part the single celled micro-organism candida albicans lives benignly unless the circumstances arise where it can morph into a yeast or fungi.

How Does A Yeast Infection Develop?

If there is a source of nourishment for the candida it will gravitate towards that source and mutate into a mould. This is the critical time when it can transform into a fungal yeast infection.

To absorb this food source the fungi have the same mechanism to secrete hydrolytic enzymes which turn indigestible substances into food. Therefore if a food source is identified the single celled candida will mobilize and the colony of millions that have otherwise been essentially dormant will absorb the food source.

How Does This Help Us When We Want To Treat A Yeast Infection?
It is clear that only when conditions are suitable will the candida albicans attack and cause and infection. The candida is an opportunistic organism always on the look out for some food source therefore it is essential we do not provide this!

Most people do not ever suffer a yeast infection so why do some suffer repeated attacks?

For the most part if your skin is clean and dry with no abrasions there is no opportunity for the yeast to start feeding. If however, your skin has suffered some trauma this will offer a 'way in' for the candida albicans cells to join together and transform into a mould and begin to infect this part of the body.

How Our Natural Defences Prevent An Infection

We often have minor skin abrasions and do not ever suffer a yeast infection therefore there must be more to contracting an infection than just a cut. As well as the candida present on the skin there are also millions of other natural and good bacteria that for the majority of time is able to keep the candida at bay as there are many more of these than the candida.

The body's immune system which if healthy and balanced will be able to keep this little organism from changing into a fungus and overwhelming the system. If you are healthy there is very little chance of contracting a yeast infection. Antibodies will also help the natural bacteria, they cannot attack the candida but they do support the natural bacteria.

How to Treat A Yeast Infection?

With knowledge of what candida is and how overgrowth can happen you should be more successful in treating it and preventing a recurrence. Home remedies for yeast infections are often the most effective way of treating your infection rather than expensive over the counter and treatments that can actually make the condition worse!

If you want a quick and simple home remedy yeast infection cure take a look at my 'vinagar douche' article.

There are a number of element that working together will help you to remain free of a yeast infection. Educating yourself is the key to tackling this issue and once you understand how all the body's systems work together you will be more successful treating your yeast infection.

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