Sunday 26 May 2013

Yeast Infection And Pregnancy


What is a yeast infection?

Yeast infection and pregnancy do not necessarily go together but it is a common type of vaginal infection that can occur at any time during your life. It is however, particularly common in pregnant women.

A yeast infection can appear in your intestinal tract as well as your vagina, these types of infections are called - monilial vaginitis or vaginal candidiasis. They are caused by a micro-organism or fungi often called candida albicans.

Yeast is naturally present in your vagina and intestinal tract but will only cause a problem if it is allowed to 'overgrow'. This means that the natural bacteria which is already present in your body has been compromised for some reason,therefore allowing the candida to grow out of control and overwhelm the good natural bacteria.

There are a number of reasons for this 'overgrowth', such as lifestyle, diet, general health and diet. But during pregnancy there is a higher level of estrogen which in turn causes the vagina to produce more glycogen which is advantageous for the yeast to grow. There is research to indicate that the estrogen might have a direct effect on the yeast therefore allowing it to grow even faster and adhere to the vaginal walls.

If you have recently been prescribed antibiotics by your doctor you may suffer an outbreak of yeast infection. This is due to the antibiotics killing the bacteria causing an infection but also killing the good bacteria that helps to keep the candida albicans in check.

What are the symptoms of a yeast infection in pregnancy?

These may be exactly the same as if you were not pregnant. However, if you do not treat the symptoms the infection may get even worse. There are many natural remedies for yeast infection that will not cause any harm to you or to your unborn baby. There is no reason to use over the counter preparations for most yeast infections but you should always seek advice from your doctor before you treat any symptoms.

Symptoms may include:

  • Irritation
  • Itchiness,
  • Soreness
  • Vaginal burning and or redness of the labia
  • An odourless discharge, often white, creamy, or cottage-cheese consistency
  • Discomfort or pain during sex
  • Burning when you urinate

What should you do if you think you have a yeast infection?

If you have some or all of these symptoms you should consult your doctor for advice. You may have a vaginal swab to establish exactly what is causing the symptoms. This may take a few days to confirm. Some symptoms are very similar to a sexually transmitted disease so it is best to have a test to make sure you actually have a yeast infection.

Your doctor may prescribe either an over the counter product which will be an anti fungal cream or suppository which can take a few days to alleviate the symptoms.

There are some very effective home remedies for yeast infection symptoms that you can easily prepare at home. These are safe and do not contain any pharmaceutical ingredients but are natural and have been used by many cultures for thousands of years. It is also clear that many of the traditional pharmaceutical products on the market to treat yeast infections don't work and can actually make the infection worse.

Read vinegar douche for a very simple method to sooth the irritated area. Your diet is also very important in pregnancy as well as to counteract the effects of a yeast infection, changing some of the things you eat can help to kill off the candida albicans.

Will a yeast infection affect my baby?


No, there is no evidence that a yeast infection will harm or affect the development of your baby.  There is a chance that if you have a vaginal birth that your baby could contract a yeast infection as it travels through the birth canal.  They could have a yeast infection in their mouth which is called thrush. This is easily treated though. However, it is better to try to clear any infection you may have before you go into labour.

Thrush consists of white patches on the roof and sides of the mouth and occasionally on the tongue. It is quite common for babies to develop a thrush infection even if you do not have a current infection.

How to reduce the chances of you getting a yeast infection?

There are a number of things you can do including, keeping your genital area as dry and clean as possible as yeast will thrive in a warm wet area. Try to wear loose clothing and cotton underwear rather than man made fibres.
  • Don't wear underwear in bed to allow air to circulate the genital area.
  • Don't use perfumed bathing products such as soaps and bubble baths.
  • Don't use feminine hygiene products as these will alter the natural pH level of the vagina.
  • Always wipe from front to back.
  • Eat natural live yogurt as the live bacteria will help to support the natural bacteria in your gut but can also help to combat an overgrowth of the candida albicans. Yogurt can also be used as a soothing topical treatment for irritated areas.
  • Garlic has fantastic healing properties - read more about this here.

Yeast infection and pregnancy do not necessarily go hand in hand but if you should be unfortunate enough to contract a yeast infection there are many natural remedies for yeast infection.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Male yeast infection treatment is much the same as that for females. The difference being that many men will ignore symptoms for too long before seeking help. Here is a simple first step guide if you are a man who thinks he may have a yeast infection or if you are a woman who knows a man who is reluctant to ask for advice.

This straight forward video outlines what a yeast infection is but does not answer how to cure the video for a quick overview and thenplease read on and follow the links for some advice on natural cures for yeast infection symptoms.

If you believe you have a penile candida infection your first steps should be to see your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. There are similar symptoms in sexually transmitted diseases and it is important you make sure you have not contracted an STD especially to prevent you from infecting another person.

Symptoms of a Yeast Infection

The tip of the penis or on the foreskin may have red patchy sores. There may also be severe itching and a burning sensation. Less common is a white discharge from the urethra.

Understanding exactly what penile candida infection is and why you may have contracted it is the first step to understanding how to eradicate it once and for all and to ensure you do not contract it again. Taking control of your own health is the key to curing it.

What is Candida Albicans?

Candida Albicans is a micro organism and it is present in all of us. It is benign unless for some reason the natural bacterial flora that lives in your gastrointestinal tract has been weakened or is under attack. This means the candida can mutate into a pathogenic invasive fungus, which is what causes a thrush infection.

It will quickly populate the gut and create an environment where it will survive and override important dietary functions. This has a knock on effect of hindering the absorption of vitamins and minerals and altering the acidity of the intestine. This will affect the body's ability to digest and metabolize necessary nutrients. Once this occurs you could develop some very serious conditions that could have a harmful effect on your health for years to come.

The 'good bacteria' in your gut can be depleted for a number of reasons. Stress, steroids prescribed medication to name a few. For example, you could have been prescribed antibiotics by your doctor for a bacterial infection but the antibiotic will probably be a 'broad spectrum' drug and it will kill not only the bacteria causing your infection but also kill the good bacteria present in your body. If this happens and your immune system is also compromised the candida has the opportunity to become pathogenic very fast.

Although thrush or candida is often thought to be a problem suffered by women only, this is not the case. For a number of reasons, perhaps cultural, perhaps generational, men often find it difficult to seek help and advice about personal medical matters. It is important however, to treat the condition as quickly as possible.

Here is a brief list of symptoms indicating that you may be suffering from candida but are as yet unaware of this. The fungus can affect your system in many ways and you may not recognize the signs initially that anything is wrong. This is especially true of some men who rather than face up to the possibility they may be ill put their symptoms down to something other than a potentially serious infection. 

This as I said is just a brief list of some of the possible symptoms that may indicate you have candida.

  • Poor Appetite
  • Poor Memory
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Skin Problems
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Muscle weakness or spasm
  • Cramp
  • Constant tiredness
  • Bowel Problems
Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Assuming your doctor has informed you that it is in fact penile candida infection he may recommend a prescription drug to tackle the infection. However, there are alternative remedies for this painful and embarrassing condition which will tackle the cause of the problem not just the symptoms. This approach will also be more likely to prevent further infections.

Your doctor may prescribe an anti fungal drug commonly used to treat candidiasis These may be topical treatments in the form of creams... clotrimazole, topical nystatin or ketoconazole. Or it may be an oral preparation.

However, there is evidence to show that Candida Albicans is becoming resistant to many traditional treatments available. Therefore it is even more essential to maintain a healthy balance to avoid contracting this condition which could become chronic.

Diet is an essential part of curing your infection for ever. Yeast requires sugar for nourishment and to mutate into the fungal infection that causes thrush. If you only change one thing in your diet then cutting out all sugar is the best place to start.There are many options available to you to treat your infection without having to use over the counter products.

Understanding how to maintain a healthy balance in all aspects of your life is essential. If you are interested in a system that will make sure you get rid of penile candida fast and will never have to suffer from the condition again follow the link below for the most comprehensive and effective treatment available.

Male Yeast Infection Treatment

Garlic For Yeast Infection: Does It Work?

Garlic for yeast infection cures is fabulous to help kill the overgrowth of the single celled organism called candida albicans. This 'overgrowth' is what causes the infection but there are a number of natural remedies you can use to help prevent the overgrowth and to replenish the natural bacteria that has been overwhelmed.

You do not have to suffer recurring yeast infections despite what the so-called experts may say!There are natural remedies for yeast infection that are inexpensive and will not have any nasty side-effects.   You do not have to resort to buying expensive over the counter treatments that don't  work and may make your symptoms worse!

Taking control of your own health and well-being is the start to fighting this uncomfortable and potentially debilitating complaint.

Anyone ant any time can contract a yeast infection and there is a significant number who may continue to have recurring outbreaks despite invasive medical intervention. If you want to know more about how to cure a yeast infection take a look here! I have followed the recommendations outlined and despite years of suffering from distressing yeast infections I have now been infection free for over 3 years.

Education is the key to combating this easily cured disease. Understanding what circumstances allow it to take hold will enable you to cure a yeast infection easily and forever. Re-balancing your bodies natural balance is the key as this will help your body to use its natural defences to counteract the effects of the overgrowth of the candida albicans organism that causes a yeast infection.

Knowing what causes a yeast infection will help you to cure it.  A yeast infection, often called Thrush,   occurs when the single-celled organism called candida albicans is allowed to overwhelm the natural bacteria which is also present in the body. There are a number of reasons this may occur, for example,  over-prescribing of antibiotics, an impaired immune system and or diet.

Here are three natural cures for yeast infection symptoms that will also combat the underlying cause of the overgrowth. You will start to  see the positive effects within hours:

  • Garlic for yeast Infection
  • Yogurt for yeast infection
  • Tea tree oil yeast infection

Garlic - has been used in many cultures for thousands of years.  Its healing properties have been used to cure ailments of all sorts for generations. It can be taken daily as a capsule and it will help the natural internal processes required to keep your gut working at its optimum level. You can also be made into a soothing balm for irritated or inflamed skin. Crush a clove of garlic and add it to oil to make a cream or paste. Put this on the irritated area of skin and leave it for a few hours.

If you do this before you go to sleep... you may need to sleep away from your partner for one night unless they are very understanding! There is obviously a pungent aroma associated with garlic but the healing properties should not be underestimated. Whilst you are asleep the healing nature of the paste will go to work. Just shower in the morning to remove the paste but be sure not to use strong scented bathing products as these can exacerbate the problem. If you have a vaginal yeast infection the clove can either be used as a paste or placed whole into the vagina and after 24-48 hours you will have cured the infection and the symptoms.

Yogurt -
Live plain yogurt is very cooling and soothing to an irritated area. You can also eat the live yogurt which will help to repopulate the gut with natural bacteria that can combat the overgrowth of the candida albicans bacteria. Just cover a tampon in the yogurt and place it into the vagina for a few hours or cover the genital area with the natural live yogurt to sooth the area.

Tea tree oil -

this has also been used for generations by many cultures due to its healing properties.  Just apply to the irritated area of skin regularly and you will quickly see an improvement. You can also mix into cooled boiled water and use as a douche for vaginal thrush

There are so many ways in which you can use these few products simply and cheaply as natural remedies for yeast infection symptoms. Taking control of your own health is key to beating this distressing infection and you do not have to resort to over the counter products that simply do not work. There are many natural remedies for yeast infections but the most long-lasting natural cure for yeast infections is in your hands not the medical profession.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection: FAQ

There are a number of strategies you can use for a natural cure for yeast infection but in order to be successful you need to understand what the single celled organism called candida albicans is.

In its benign state the candida organism is prevented from causing any problems by a combination of natural 'good' bacteria and your immune system. However, if for some reason your immune system is compromised due to ill heath for example, candida has an opportunity to 'overgrow' and mutate into a fungal yeast infection. This process sees the structure of the organism change remarkably and as it morphs it grows in strength, multiplying and the natural bacteria that usually helps to stop this will be overwhelmed.

There are a number of influences that will prevent a yeast infection. Your diet and use of prescription drugs will have a major impact on how your system is able to ward off an infection.

Here are just a few things that you can do to affect your ability to prevent or cure a yeast infection.

  • Diet
  • Antibiotics
  • Lifestyle
  • Immune system
  • Hormones
  • Chemical Balance

Antibiotics will kill you!

Well, perhaps not but they will kill the natural beneficial bacteria that keeps the overgrowth of candida from happening. This 'overgrowth' is as I have said, what causes a yeast infection. Antibiotics have certainly have been over-prescribed in the last 20-30 years which means that many of the bacterial infections they once were able to kill are now becoming resistant. This is largely due to the 'broad spectrum' and relatively cheap antibiotics that your doctor will no doubt have prescribed for you in the past.

The ideal when you find you have an infection would be to have a swab taken of the infected area, this would be 'grown' in the lab on a petrie dish and different types of antibiotic would be introduced to see which one would kill the bacteria growing on the agar jelly. However, this takes time and manpower, ergo - too expensive for most. Unfortunately this means as I have said that many bacterial infections are now fighting back!

The broad spectrum antibiotic prescribed for you will, by definition kill a broad spectrum of bacteria including the beneficial naturally occurring bacteria that helps to keep your system balanced. Once this is compromised or weakened the candida albicans organism has the opportunity to mutate into the fungal yeast infection often called thrush or vaginosis etc.

This means if at all possible you should try to avoid taking antibiotics unless the infection you are suffering from is causing you problems. Many times given the chance our bodies can fight off an infection. However you should always consult a doctor if you do feel you are experiencing an infection. There are some that if allowed can be life threatening so you should always seek medical advice.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infection Cure

There are many changes you can make to you every day diet that will help to prevent overgrowth and also to eradicate a yeast infection if you have contracted one.

If you have a diet which helps to prevent candida becoming a problem and your lifestyle and immune system are balanced, most of the time you will not experience a yeast infection at all. Educating yourself about what this organism is, how to prevent it and how to cure it if you contract it is the ideal.

My argument is therefore that there is a natural cure for candida but without knowledge you may not be able to sustain an effective cure and will forever be treating the symptoms not the root cause. This approach is expensive and can actually make the condition worse!

Take control of your own health and well-being and educate yourself! it is perfectly possible to ensure that a natural cure for yeast infection is achievable and sustainable.

Take a look at this post if you want a simple cure for yeast infection with a vinegar douche.

Home Remedy:Yeast Infection

If you are looking for a home remedy for yeast infection you should first be aware of what causes a yeast infection, then you will be more successful in treating it and preventing recurring infections.

The body is covered in microbes which are also present naturally in the gastrointestinal tract, where it is essential to keep your system 'moving' and healthy. For the most part the single celled micro-organism candida albicans lives benignly unless the circumstances arise where it can morph into a yeast or fungi.

How Does A Yeast Infection Develop?

If there is a source of nourishment for the candida it will gravitate towards that source and mutate into a mould. This is the critical time when it can transform into a fungal yeast infection.

To absorb this food source the fungi have the same mechanism to secrete hydrolytic enzymes which turn indigestible substances into food. Therefore if a food source is identified the single celled candida will mobilize and the colony of millions that have otherwise been essentially dormant will absorb the food source.

How Does This Help Us When We Want To Treat A Yeast Infection?
It is clear that only when conditions are suitable will the candida albicans attack and cause and infection. The candida is an opportunistic organism always on the look out for some food source therefore it is essential we do not provide this!

Most people do not ever suffer a yeast infection so why do some suffer repeated attacks?

For the most part if your skin is clean and dry with no abrasions there is no opportunity for the yeast to start feeding. If however, your skin has suffered some trauma this will offer a 'way in' for the candida albicans cells to join together and transform into a mould and begin to infect this part of the body.

How Our Natural Defences Prevent An Infection

We often have minor skin abrasions and do not ever suffer a yeast infection therefore there must be more to contracting an infection than just a cut. As well as the candida present on the skin there are also millions of other natural and good bacteria that for the majority of time is able to keep the candida at bay as there are many more of these than the candida.

The body's immune system which if healthy and balanced will be able to keep this little organism from changing into a fungus and overwhelming the system. If you are healthy there is very little chance of contracting a yeast infection. Antibodies will also help the natural bacteria, they cannot attack the candida but they do support the natural bacteria.

How to Treat A Yeast Infection?

With knowledge of what candida is and how overgrowth can happen you should be more successful in treating it and preventing a recurrence. Home remedies for yeast infections are often the most effective way of treating your infection rather than expensive over the counter and treatments that can actually make the condition worse!

If you want a quick and simple home remedy yeast infection cure take a look at my 'vinagar douche' article.

There are a number of element that working together will help you to remain free of a yeast infection. Educating yourself is the key to tackling this issue and once you understand how all the body's systems work together you will be more successful treating your yeast infection.

Thursday 2 August 2012

Make your own soothing vinegar douche

Apple Cider Vinegar – Can it help against Candida?
A vinegar douche for yeast infections is fast and effective. But,why you have developed a yeast infection in the first place? If you understand what has caused he infection you can treat the root cause and not just the symptoms.Then you will hopefully not suffer from recurring infections ever again.
Candida albicans is an organism that is naturally present in the, vagina on the skin and in the lower intestinal tract. This organism, given the opportunity will mutate into the fungal yeast infection which is also called thrush. If you have a strong immune system, the candida albicans will be prevented from overgrowing due to the presence  of the favorable bacteria, called Bifidobacterium Bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus. These keep the candida under control.
If you have a weakened immune system you may have less of this kind of bacteria. If you have been given a course of antibiotics or steroids these bacteria will be killed along with the bacteria causing your infection which therefore allows the overgrowth of the candida albicans to take place.
In certain conditions the Candida Albicans will grow developing into Candidiasis which is more commonly known as Thrush or a yeast infection. If allowed to grow out of control the micro-organism which has mutated into a fungi may infiltrate the mucosal lining of gastrointestinal tract and get into the bloodstream. This means the toxic fungi in the blood stream is able to move quickly around the body. This form of the condition can lead to chronic infection  which can damage major organs of the body. 
Apple Cider Vinegar – Anti-Fungal Cure
Apple Cider vinegar is very effective if it is used in conjunction with an anti-candida diet. The combination will help  to manage the effects of the overgrowth of the candida albicans organism. Vinegar when used as a douche for anal and vaginal infections is effective at alleviating the itching associated with a yeast or thrush infection. It can also be used as a gargle or mouthwash. This will start to reuce the thrush in the mouth and also in the gut.
Douche solution – Apple cider vinegar.
To make your own douche cure at home:add 3 tablespoons of unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar to a pint of water. Use this cleansing douche twice a day until the symptoms reduce which should be quite quickly. Once  the symptoms have subsided you can use it as and when you want to keep the condition under control.
Apple Cider Vinegar Shallow Bath
All you need is a shallow bath which you can add 250 mls of the, unpasteurised Apple Cider Vinegar. Sit in the bath for at least 15 minutes per day to keep the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections under control. It is best to sit in the bath on your knees rather than sitting in the bath. 
Drink: Apple Cider Vinegar.
For a cleansing drink you can mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider with a cup of hot water. You can sweeten this but don't use sugar or honey as this will give nourishment for the fungal infection. Drink this tea before eating. By swallowing the drink it will start to reduce the fungal infection. You may feel a little off-colour or feel sick or dizzy but this is just the effects of the apple cider cleansing your body of the harmful fungi and in a day or so you will feel better as the yeast infection will be gone from your system.
Vinegar douche for yeast infections are so easy to make and are cleansing and soothing. If you use them at the same time as using other natural remedies you will very soon see the symptoms lessen and go altogether.